Holding hands
Have you notced how many times Erik and Christine hold their hands during the movie? I'd say even while Music of the Night more than any other movie couples ;) What is your favourite E/C hands moment?
2. Sorprano likes the Face your fate grasp because it's one of the most passonet scences, and if Roaul hadn't burst in Erik's plans might have come to pass. 3. Christine likes the Touch me, trust me grasp because Erik is asking Christine to see beyond his face to what he truly is, and to see the love he is offering her so freely. 4. Phantomphreak likes the Touch me, trust me grasp because that still gives me the shivers! The Phantom who's such an ominous/masterful figure is pleading so gently for Christine to TRUST him! 5. Suvi likes the The Mirror grasp because this is the first time when Christine sees Erik so it's a very fine moment and touching. 6. Tina likes the The end grasp because Chirstine giving the ring to Erik is to remember her by and to remember he's not alone. 7. Jewelles likes the The end grasp because it shows that even in anger, passion, and confusion Christine still has love in her heart for Erik, if not romantically. It shows that what they have is never-ending, even when it seems as though it is. 8. Katie likes the All I Ask of You grasp because it's so beautiful and romantic how Erik needs her, and is begging Christine to love him. And Christine looks so touched by this...it's very romantic. 9. Adriela likes the Phantom of the Opera grasp because it's so powerful, and you can feel the chemistry and heat between them. To me, POTO is just as hot as PONR. 10. Hilde likes the Phantom of the Opera grasp because because here, Erik is showing Christine around in his dominions, he is making her part of his life, showing her his fascinations. He has been kind enough to come to her and adept to her wishes, now she must be his. 11. Merry likes the The End grasp because she comes to him, after the whole Down Once More ordeal and gives him the ring back. It's really sweet that she takes the time to do that - to say good-bye to her belovesd Angel. 12. Soliel likes the Music of the Night grasp because because here, Erik is showing Christine around in his dominions, he is making her part of his life, showing her his fascinations. He has been kind enough to come to her and adept to her wishes, now she must be his. 13. Sali likes the Touch me, trust me grasp because Christine is obviously just completely under his spell...as was I!! The electricity between the two of them is just so....wow!! 14. Savanah likes the All I Ask of You grasp because it is still so passionate, and loving. Erik is asking Christine, begging her to love him and look at him as she did at Rauol and i think that the POTO one is just as yearning and longing. It is too sad! 15. Miss Julianne likes the Touch me, trust me grasp because Christine is returning the Phantom's love in that moment. 16. Kimi likes the Sweet Seduction grasp because it's so lustful to go along with the theme and lyrics of the song 17. Angela likes the Sweet Seduction grasp because prior to that he runs his hand all along her arm, and its one of the sexiest scenes :) 18. Clementine likes the Music of the Night grasp because it is just the beggining of everything! 19. Jenna likes the The End grasp because it shows Erik and Christine's love has strengthened into something true and everlasting. 20. Natasha likes the Touch me, trust me grasp because it's innoent yet sexual at the same time, however they are all passionate and beautiful. 21. Fantasma likes the Touch me, trust me grasp because it just shows how perfect they are together in points of love, devotion and lust. I even remeber when I heard those words. "Touch me, Trust me" Ooh, yes please! ;) 22. Jocasta Stephenson likes the All I Ask of You grasp because frankly, I love them all. Each have their special facets of emotion... but if i were forced to choose, I'd have to say All I Ask Of You. Erik's desperate, passionate love for her is heartbreakingly obvious, and I still twitch when she wrenches his mask off. Oh, so very wrong. 23. Gwen likes the All I Ask of You grasp because even though Raoul sang it first, Christine looks utterly moved when Erik sings it at this point. And she looks deeply regretful by what she is being forced to do - I think she has returned his love but is too scared to admit it 24. Hannah Montana likes the The Point of No Return grasp because it is a very passionate scene between E/C. Rules
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