to The Red Rose, the Fanlisting for the romantic/het Fanfiction for THE PHANTOM/ERIK & CHRISTINE DAAE. The title of the site comes from a story that Erik tells Christine in the book Phantom by Susan Kay. If you write Fanfiction or are a fan of the Fanfiction written about The Phantom and Christine, join the Fanlisting! That is what a Fanlisting is all about, bringing together the people who share a common interest, and letting the world know what you love. So grab a button if you have a site, and fill out the join form to add your name to the list of fans! You can navigate your way around by clicking on the links above.

The last update was made on July 10, 2024. We have a total of 208 members listed, from 30 countries, with 0 waiting to be added on the next update. Welcome to our newest member(s): Mandy.

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{ TheatreGirl.net } { TheFanlistings.org }


As per TheFanlistings.org - A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject.

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