
... to the Fanlisting for Stephen King's novel and movie by Stanley Kubrick, The Shining. When I was a kid and the movie first came out, the commercial -- mostly because of the music -- terrified me, so I didn't see the movie for a number of years, but when I finally did, it quickly became a favorite of mine and it still is to this day. I read the book a little while after seeing the movie for the first time and loved it, as well. There were differences between the book and movie, but I didn't mind that too much. If you are a fan of The Shining, grab a button if you have a site, and join!


, and the last update was made on February 19, 2025. We have a total of 104 members listed, from 19 countries, with 0 waiting to be added on the next update. Welcome to our newest member(s): Elly

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