DEADLY AND DELICATE    Louis de Pointe du Lac


to Deadly and Delicate, the Louis de Pointe du Lac (The Vampire Chronicles) fanlisting that's a part of The Fanlistings Network and The Movielistings Network. Louis is a character created for a series of books titled, The Vampire Chronicles, and he was portrayed by Brad Pitt in the movie, Interview with the Vampire. He is currently portrayed by Jacob Anderson in the Interview with the Vampire tv series. If you're a fan of Louis, add your name by joining the Fanlisting! That is what a Fanlisting is all about, bringing together the people who share a common interest, and letting the world know what you love. So grab a button if you have a site, and fill out the join form to add your name to the list of fans! The 'physical' part of the fanlisting was adopted from the previous owner, Joey (


The last update was made on February 24, 2025 . We have a total of 112 fans listed, from 22 countries, with 0 waiting to be added on the next update. Welcome to our newest member(s): Abby

What is a Fanlisting?

A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. (From And what is a physical fanlisting? Well, it's a fanlisting for those who like how a famous person or a fictional character looks and his/her physical quality. So, if you are a fan of Louis and/or think he is beautiful, please join!

This fanlisting is maintained by Demora and Kristina. We do not own Louis or any other character from The Vampire Chronicles, and we are not affiliated with anyone assosciated with the books and/or the movie. We're just fans of Louis. The beautiful layout was created by Lorian. ♥

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Louis de Pointe du Lac Louis de Pointe du Lac Louis de Pointe du Lac