
1. You have to be a fan of (or at least like) the thriller genre in film, literature, or TV (or any other relevant medium!).

2. You must provide your real first name (or nickname, or a reasonable alias that is yours), without extra characters. You don't have to put in your last name. I reserve the right to edit your name if the alias is idiotic, e.g., "~*I_<3_THRILLERS::" or "xxxThriller_Dudexxx"-- I'll be changing those to "anonymous."

3. Please also give a valid email address (where all information will be sent), and the country of your residence. These are the basic requirements of The email is necessary only to validate your identity, and to contact you about important information regarding this fanlisting.

4. You do NOT need a website to join. But if you do, I require you to link back FIRST using the codes given below before joining. If I visit your site and do not see the the proper code, I'm not going to list your URL in the members' list.

The join form is at the bottom of the page.

Fan badges

Please DO NOT direct link (which means, save the following images and upload them to your own server). :) These were made by the former owner Kryz, with donations from the talented Quirino, Barbayat, Lisa Marie, Megan, Brandon, Cherrie, Gill, Haley and Jasmine Rose! ♥♥ Donations are more than welcome; send them my way!

Please make sure to link back to

50x50 (view all)
made by Kryz made by Kryz made by Kryz Made by Quirino Made by Quirino

75x50 (view all)
made by Barbayat made by Lisa Marie made by Quirino

88x31(view all)
made by Quirino made by Quirino made by Quirino

100x35(view all)
made by Brandon made by Cherrie made by Gill made by Quirino

100x50 (view all)
made by Haley made by Jasmine Rose made by Quirino

More codes to come!

Join form

Now, you're all ready to enlist yourself! The form is here.